Allen & Allen


Allen & Allen

Eclectic, soulful, jazzy and anointed; for decades, Allen & Allen has embodied these tenants, bringing inspiration to the listener and exaltation to their God. The dynamic duo, comprised of Bruce Allen on piano and Allen Wiggins on saxophone, has received many accolades over the years, including twice winning the coveted Stellar Award.

Without doubt, the two alma-maters of these talented musicians can be proud; Florida A&M University, where Allen Wiggins received a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree and Bethune-Cookman University, where Bruce Allen earned a Bachelor degree in Business Administration.


Allen & Allen has released ten (10) different projects over the life of their career. Their music endeavors paused as both “Allens” served as pastors of different churches in different cities, and both, in fact, have been consecrated as bishops; all to find themselves coming full circle and back together again. Now both serve under the same roof of ministry at The Hope Church of Orlando, and you guessed it, have reignited their love of music, playing and performing again. Allen & Allen pushes the envelope and emerges ageless with the inclusion of millennials on the team to contribute to their legendary sound and unwavering calling; ensuring that their music will remain relevant and fresh for generations. Two of the new band members happen to be the sons of Allen Wiggins; Julian on keys and Jonathan on saxophone.

So still, through the help of the next generation, the anointed music of Allen & Allen continues to break the yokes that restrict and limits ones thinking and frees their listeners to worship.

As quiet as it’s kept, Allen & Allen truly serve as one of the pioneers of Inspirational or Gospel Jazz. Typically, wherever there are pioneers, there is a good chance that there will be opposition. Such was the case with this dynamic duo. During their early pursuits, they had their bouts with certain purist believing their music was too “jazzy” for church and too “churchy” for jazz gatherings. Yet they have always looked through a lens of opportunity to make their message and music known. Most recently, they launched the Summer Sacred Jazz Series presented to sold out crowds of both jazz and gospel enthusiasts. “God inspires all music,” says Bruce Allen. “In the Bible, David is known for his playing. When the King sent for him, he’d heard about him playing in the fields. David came and played an evil spirit out of Saul.” Wiggins says, “our music is about transforming lives and it is divine therapy for the body and soul.”

Allen & Allen – the pioneers, producers, preachers and performers driven by passion to glorify God and making lives better through the power of music.



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